Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Out For Hike

Today after work my friend Evan and I decided to take a drive up 237 towards the Calaveras Reservoir. He was telling me about this spot he had found which has a little stream that connects to the reservoir. So after driving along this very thin and very windy road we reached our destination. Talk about out in the boonies.... there wasn't another soul for miles. Neither of us had cell service... and um we were jumping a fence that said "No Trespassing". What could go wrong? So anyhow we hiked in the mud to this very small stream and still managed to get a few decent shots out of it. After shoothing the stream for about 20 mins we decided to hike up the side of this hill and see what the view was like. Keep in mind its muddy as hell and I'm not wearing hiking boots since we both just came straight from work. There were times where the hill was so steep that my knees were almost touching the mud. Surprisingly somehow my sketchers kept me from falling down which amazes me. We hiked for a good 30 mins up this beastly hill while the sun was setting behind us. Unfortunately we ran out of time and never made it to the top but I was able to take a few photos of these old oak trees that caught my eye. HERE are just a few of my favorite photos from today.

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