Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bakers Birthday Bash

Okay.... Why is it that the camera man always gets flipped off while taking photos at a party? I swear I got flipped off at least 10 times :P Anyhow last night I was over at my buddy Chill's house celebrating our good friends birthday. Its safe to say I woke up with a little bit of a hangover this afternoon. I met a lot of new friendly faces last night.... and also ran into a bunch of people I haven't seen in a loooong time. I'll have to say that it was a damn good party and I had a lot of fun photographing people throughout the night. Click HERE to view the photos from the party. Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Out For Hike

Today after work my friend Evan and I decided to take a drive up 237 towards the Calaveras Reservoir. He was telling me about this spot he had found which has a little stream that connects to the reservoir. So after driving along this very thin and very windy road we reached our destination. Talk about out in the boonies.... there wasn't another soul for miles. Neither of us had cell service... and um we were jumping a fence that said "No Trespassing". What could go wrong? So anyhow we hiked in the mud to this very small stream and still managed to get a few decent shots out of it. After shoothing the stream for about 20 mins we decided to hike up the side of this hill and see what the view was like. Keep in mind its muddy as hell and I'm not wearing hiking boots since we both just came straight from work. There were times where the hill was so steep that my knees were almost touching the mud. Surprisingly somehow my sketchers kept me from falling down which amazes me. We hiked for a good 30 mins up this beastly hill while the sun was setting behind us. Unfortunately we ran out of time and never made it to the top but I was able to take a few photos of these old oak trees that caught my eye. HERE are just a few of my favorite photos from today.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Testing Out My New Lens

So for my birthday I bought myself a new lens, the Canon 17-40L f/4. Today was the first test run and I have to say I'm quite happy with my results. I talked my friend Chill into taking a drive with me over to Santa Cruz. Well we cruised up the coast line and it seemed everyone in the bay area had the same idea as me. TRAFFIC! and no parking! Well while driving around looking for parking we had our windows down since it was about 60 degrees outside. Funny thing was while passing the light house on my left side you could hear the hippies beating their drums. Chill looks over at me and says " when you can hear the drums, you know you're in Santa Cruz." Couldn't help but laugh and think to myself how true that really is :) Well about 30 mins later while I'm taking my Sunset photos a group of Santa Cruz hippies roll up on their bikes and decide to stop and park it right next to us. Then all of the sudden as I'm snapping off a few photos I hear a drum beat. I turn around and see a few of the hippies slapping their hands on the wooden railing while staring off into the sunset. It seemed they were saying good bye to the sun for the day. Guess they were worried the sun might not come out tomorrow or something. Anyhow HERE are a few of my favorite photos from today. Let me know whatcha think.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years 08 @ CK's Pad

Well wouldn't you know it..... Chris had another New Years party! I do have to say this years party was better than last years. Soooo much good food and tons of alcoholic beverages to last us till the early morning. Can't forget we were sporting the Nintendo Wii all night long!!! Nothing like a Taxi ride home at 3am ;) Click HERE to view some of the photos from the party. Ooooh! And make sure to look very close at photo number 27... gotta love a cork in mid air.